Useful MYBB Tag Codes For Beginners

Image result for mybb
Here are list of mybb tags that may be helpful in theme customization;

{$welcomeblock} - Include welcomeblock (user/guest view of the member bit)
 {$mybbversion} - Displays softwares version
 {$modcplink} - Displays link to Mod CP {$admincplink} - Displays link to Admin CP (exclude for clients safety - reinstate it if requested) {$mybb->settings['bbname']} - Displays boards name
 {$mybb->settings['bburl']} - Displays URL to the board (use always when you have to link to something) 
{$mybb->settings['homename']} - Displays homepage name (the one in the footer's menu) 
{$mybb->settings['homeurl']} - Displays URL to the homepage site (the one in the footer's menu) {$mybb->user['username']} - Displays users username
 {$mybb->user['usertitle']} - Displays users usertitle 
{$mybb->user['uid']} - Displays users UID (User ID)
 {$mybb->user['avatar']} - Displays URL of the users avatar 
{$mybb->user['lastvisit']} - Displays users last visit (date and time)
 {$mybb->user['totalpms']} - Displays the total number of users messages (unread + read) 
{$mybb->user['unreadpms']} - Displays number of users unread messages
 {$mybb->user['postnum']} - Displays the users post count 
{$mybb->user['logoutkey']} - Displays users logout key (used to logout successfully) 
 {$theme['imgdir']} - Displays themes image dirrectory 
\{$theme['imglangdir']} - Displays language specific theme image dirrectory
 {$theme['tid']} - Displays the themes ID number 
{$theme['logo']} - Displays themes logo 
{$theme['borderwidth']} - Displays themes borderwidth number 
{$theme['tablespace']} - Displays themes tablespace number 
 {$forum['name']} - Displays forums title 
{$forum['description']} - Displays forums description 
{$forum['url']} - Displays forums URL 
{$forum['fid']} - Displays forums ID number

Copy Below

{$welcomeblock} - Include welcomeblock (user/guest view of the member bit)
{$mybbversion} - Displays softwares version
{$modcplink} - Displays link to Mod CP
{$admincplink} - Displays link to Admin CP (exclude for clients safety - reinstate it if requested)

{$mybb->settings['bbname']} - Displays boards name
{$mybb->settings['bburl']} - Displays URL to the board (use always when you have to link to something)
{$mybb->settings['homename']} - Displays homepage name (the one in the footer's menu)
{$mybb->settings['homeurl']} - Displays URL to the homepage site (the one in the footer's menu)

{$mybb->user['username']} - Displays users username
{$mybb->user['usertitle']} - Displays users usertitle
{$mybb->user['uid']} - Displays users UID (User ID)
{$mybb->user['avatar']} - Displays URL of the users avatar
{$mybb->user['lastvisit']} - Displays users last visit (date and time)
{$mybb->user['totalpms']} - Displays the total number of users messages (unread + read)
{$mybb->user['unreadpms']} - Displays number of users unread messages
{$mybb->user['postnum']} - Displays the users post count
{$mybb->user['logoutkey']} - Displays users logout key (used to logout successfully)

{$theme['imgdir']} - Displays themes image dirrectory
{$theme['imglangdir']} - Displays language specific theme image dirrectory
{$theme['tid']} - Displays the themes ID number
{$theme['logo']} - Displays themes logo
{$theme['borderwidth']} - Displays themes borderwidth number
{$theme['tablespace']} - Displays themes tablespace number

{$forum['name']} - Displays forums title
{$forum['description']} - Displays forums description
{$forum['url']} - Displays forums URL
{$forum['fid']} - Displays forums ID number
